
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Last Minute Mother's Day Gift......Body Scrub

A year ago I made my annual visit to the land of my pre-married life, Southern California, to visit my sisters . The day I arrived my sister Melissa was busy organizing all the supplies for the girls from "Activity Days" to make sugar bath scrubs to give to their mom's for Mother's Day.  It was so easy, fun, and quick. Perfect for a last minute Mother's Day gift and perfect for the kiddos to jump in and help with. So here we go....

  • 2 cups cane sugar
  • 1 cup carrier oil - we used grape seed oil, but I hear coconut oil (melted) is fantastic!
  • 8 drops essential oil(s)-my sister found a variety at HobbyLobby on the soap making aisle to use. By far my favorite was Lovespell. It smelled just like a Victoria's Secret lotion I used to love.
  • cosmetic or soap dye for coloring - also found on the soap making aisle at Hobby Lobby. DO NOT use regular food dye! It could be entertaining to use food dye and turn your mom a lovely shade of green, but probably not a the best idea :).
  • a lovely container of your choice - ours is $2.49 from, where else.....Hobby Lobby 

 My sister also found these cute little stir sticks to attach to the jars for a little added luxury and cuteness.

Step 1- Mix the sugar and oil together

Step 2- Gradually add the scented oils until you have achieved the desired strength of scent.

Step 3- Gradually add the dye until you have achieved desired color.

Step 4- Pour scrub into jar and.....

sorry for the blurry pic
 .....VOILA! An easy little Mother's Day goody for any lovely lady in your life.

Here is a link to some other yummy looking scrub recipes I have come across:
Coconut Lime Sugar Scrub from the Idea Room. Scroll to the bottom of the link to find more recipes.
So, scrub away!

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