
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tulip Festival - 2013

Every year our local botanical gardens at Thanksgiving Point, hosts a Tulip Festival. I love, love to visit the gardens, (1) because I love plants and flowers and, (2) it feels like a different world to me. I especially love to go during the tulip festival. Here are some pictures I took from this years much needed excursion....
        I don't know what I did right....or wrong when I took this picture but the                           tulips don't look real. They looked they're out of a painting.

I'm a sucker for the purple and read color combo.
It was the last day of the festival so there were people everywhere.  Too bad I couldn't have said, "everybody MOVE!" when I took this picture.  

   Ahhh, the Secret Garden portion of the visit I could have stayed under the shade of that weeping willow all day....sigh.
....and of course, you have to stop and smell the Hyacinths. Don't you love how Grandma's      shoes coordinate so beautifully with the flowers?

1 comment:

  1. You secretly want to be a member of the red hat society don't you :)
