
Monday, March 11, 2013

I See France....

 We were Paris bound from London by way of train. A "Chunnel Train" to be precise: a train that makes its way across the English Channel via and underwater tunnel. It was a fairly uneventful trip. After 20 minutes of darkness the only indication that we were on French soil was the sudden appearance of French flags flying over farmhouses and churches.
The next few days were filled with architectural eye candy to my hearts content.

Tour de if you couldn't figure out on your own what this is.

Chateau Fountainbleau
The gardens at Chateau Fountainbleau.....did I mention it was FREEZING the day we visited?

"I'm thinking.....I'm thinking" The Rodin Museum

View of the Eiffel Tower from the Rodin Museum

Beautiful Parisian Street

I couldn't help but wonder what lucky soul called this turret home.

Place des Vosges. Grab a treat from a nearby Boulangarie (Bakery) and sit.....

.....and people watch......

.....and sit some more.

The glorious windows of Sainte Chapelle

If Heaven has stained glass windows I'm pretty sure they must look like these.

Gardens at the Musee de Carnavalet

 Hedge rows of my dreams

Bridge along the River Seine. I rather like the way this picture turned out.

Next Post: .....I Didn't See Any Underpants

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