
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Changing it up in the Kitchen

Inevitably, every year, once the Christmas decor is down, I find that I am just not satisfied with, either one, or many places in my home. And, thus the list of projects begin.
My first project of the new year was to spice up that annoying vacant space above my kitchen cabinet. I have so many lovely serving pieces and china taking up shelf space in my cabinets. It was time to bring them out into the light for me to enjoy.
I thought of adding an extension to the tops of the cabinets with glass door fronts to display my pieces. That was out of my price range. So, I put my thinking cap on and thought, I have so much unused vertical space and an interesting angle in the roof line I could have fun with.

Here is the top of my cabinets before my project began:

....And after:
I kept everything fairly monochromatic to reduce the appearance of clutter.

When I was searching for ideas for the shelf I found a blog that featured the exact type shelf I was looking for. At the picket fence blog. The only thing I did different was that I routered a plate groove into the shelf. It makes it a lot easier and safer to lean plates against the wall.
have to point out that this apothecary jar is filled with
beautiful blue/green eggs laid by
one of my four chickens, Beyonce.
The yolks and whites have been drained, of course.
I'll introduce you to my chickens some time.
The other jar is filled with mis-matched pieces of my grandmother's
real silver, silverware. It is so nice to have some of my pretties out.

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